Kick-off meeting
The first meeting of the coordinators (so-called pre-kick-off meeting) has been organized as the online teleconference and took place on March 31, 2021. Coordinators agreed on the basic assumptions for the project realization, discussed the required project documentation and planned the first stage of project activities. The first meeting of coordinators in the contact form was organized in Giessen, Germany on October 24-27, 2021 – more.
Mid-term progress meeting
Transnational Project Meeting took place on May 9-10, 2022 in the University Politehnica Timisoara. The purpose of the two-day meeting was to evaluate the project progress and to prepare the upcoming events. More information available here.
Final project meeting
On November 7th – 8th, 2022, the University of Zielona Góra hosted the final project meeting of the RELABEMA coordinators. The aim of the meeting was primarily to summarize and evaluate the implementation of teaching laboratories adapted to be accessible remotely. More information available here.