Transnational Project Meeting has been organized on May 9-10, 2022 in Timisoara, Romania. The host university was the Romanian partner: the University Politehnica Timisoara and the meeting was coordinated by prof. Marian Greconici. The purpose of the two-day meeting was to evaluate the project activities carried out so far and to prepare the upcoming events, in particular the first pilot workshop for students. The second goal was the presentation of the partner university.
The first day of the meeting was devoted entirely to the presentation of the potential of the host unit, i.e. University Politehnica Timisoara. In the first part of the meeting, there were three presentations by Deans of Faculties related to the subject of the project, i.e. the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, the Faculty of Automations and Computating and the Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering. Additionally, there was a presentation of the Department of Mechatronics and the Office for International Relations at UPT. In the afternoon, the social part of the meeting took place. It was dedicated to a visit and sightseeing to one of the most famous wineries in the area which is “Recas”.
The second day of the meeting was devoted to discussions on the project progress and visiting the laboratories of the host university. An additional activity was the visit to the Experimentarium – a public unit of the university dedicated to popularizing science, conducted mainly by retired university professors.
The meeting allowed to develop strategy for the next stages of the project realization and for the preparation of key assumptions for the project’s pilot training workshop planned for implementation in Estonia in autumn 2022.